It’s the key to a moist and delicious Thanksgiving Bird. EXCEPT - self-basting!
For every 3 pounds of bird
Heat 3 cups water in saucepan, stir ingredients into hot water until dissolved. As you get up in quantity of the salt / sugar, it may require more water to dissolve.
Pour the hot brine solution into your brining container. Do not place bird directly into hot water. Add additional cold water so over all temp of the brine approaches room temp. Place the bird in a container and add enough additional water to cover the bird.
If time allows brine the bird overnight in a refrigerator.
Remove the bird from the brine. Discard the liquid. Place the bird in a roasting rack and return to the refrigerator. Allow to dry overnight, uncovered, in your refrigerator. If an exposed bird makes you a little nervous, cover with a very loose piece of foil.
8 – 12 hours in brine. Overnight to dry. If you need to lean toward one side of the brining equation, allow more time for skin to dry. Slightly dry skin will help to promote a golden brown, crispy texture.
For more tips from Karl, click here.