I’m a super fan of this pan.
The smooth coatings that allow your food to flow (or fly) easily out of a warm pan, ready to be consumed hot off the stove. And oh so easy to clean up. No sticky over-stuck goop to clean up with additional elbow grease after you’ve been exerting yourself with pre-dinner prep. Who wants more to do? Not this nonstick super fan.
Yes, they brown. Yes, they sear. Yes, they clean up easy peasy. Yes, they are safe, when you select from the coatings that are, well, safe. These are many of the questions encountered over the years working in the gourmet industry. The coatings have changed over the years. Gone are the brands containing Teflon and other flaky surfaces. Today's nonstick is definitely not what your mom had when she was first married.
Diamonds (Swiss Diamond)
The toughest nonstick cookware you can get your hands on. It’s tough because of the diamonds. The bonding process, applied in layers, also lends itself to increased durability. Plus it’s diamonds, who doesn’t love diamonds?
Consists of five layers in which hard particles and wave-like layers interlock to reinforce the nonstick layer. This makes STRATANIUM products have a 50 percent more durable nonstick than the previous surface.
PTFE (All-Clad)
PTFE is a fluorinated coating on the inside of nonstick pans. Yes, it is safe to use. Delicate foods cooked at lower temperatures come out crisper and release easily using nonstick.