Recipe: Pizza Dough

Knead it, stretch it, toss it - be your own maestro and make your very own pizza dough! 


Makes 3 Pizzas


400g AP Flour

100g Bread Flour

10g kosher salt

325g Water, warm (~70-80F)

40g EVOO

20g Honey

5g Active Dry Yeast


Place warm water, EVOO, and honey into a mixing bowl and stir together until honey as dissolved. Stir in dry yeast and let it sit about 5 minutes until the mixture is bubbly and the yeast is activated. *If the mixture hasn’t started producing bubbles at this point you might need new dry yeast or your water isn’t the right temperature.

While the yeast is bubbling away in the warm water. Mix together the AP Flour, bread flour, and salt together in a stainless steel mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle and then add in the warm water and yeast mixture. Mix by hand until it becomes a ball of dough and then knead it by hand on your counter for about 5 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. Use pan spray to coat a stainless steel mixing bowl. Place dough in the mixing bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Proof in a warm place for about an hour or until in doubles in size.

Then turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and portion and shape into 3 dough balls (~300g/each) and cover with plastic wrap. Place in a refrigerator for at least 4 hours before using to allow the dough to ferment properly before flattening out into a pizza dough.

Preheat an oven to 500F with a pizza stone 30 minutes before making pizza.

Pull out the pizza dough 5 minutes before using it and gently dust with flour so it doesn’t stick to the surface. Once the pizza dough is stretched into a 12” pizza place on top of parchment paper to make an easier transfer with a pizza peel to the pizza stone in the oven.

Bake in the oven about 8-10 minutes, rotating halfway through. Pull out of the oven once the bottom crust is brown and the sauce and cheese are melted and bubbling away. Pull out of oven with a pizza peel and set on a cutting board. Let it rest 2 minutes before cutting it to help it rest. Enjoy!